Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Aburrido Tejano Speaks the Truth

Wow just wow! Chris does it again, he writes yet another amazing argument that not only needs to be read in our Government class but needs be heard all around Texas! Chris does a great job at bringing up another great topic up to the table of discussion. He writes about how Texas wants to eliminate Medicaid enrollment for Planned Parenthood and other abortions providers.

He starts of his argument bringing up the fact that we live in a country where we are promised Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness but not only is it a promise but it’s a law! With this great introduction the reader is hooked instantly.

Chris begins his argument with the case that made Governor Abott want to cut Planned Parenthood from Medicaid, a case that has no strong evidence to prove that Planned Parenthood is doing anything wrong or causing any harm to anyone whatsoever.

Eliminating Planned Parenthood will yes save millions of dollars in federal funs, but who is that really going to be benefit? Not the people. The reason that Medicaid is there its because it’s a resource for people who aren’t financially stable to get the help that they need. Does the government thing that Planned Parenthood is only helping getting abortions?? UMMM NO! As Chris states in his argument, “Eliminating Planned Parenthood from Medicaid will save millions of dollars in federal funds. But as a result, at the very least more than 14,000 low-income women will be excluded from their trusted source of preventative reproduction health care that provides women with birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing, and so much more.” Who are we to take away that from women? Women have the right to do whatever they please to their own body. They can’t be stopped.

Yet again I completely agree with every single word that Chris writes in his argument. The government cannot take the only resource that women have to get helped. We are denying them the help that they deserve and were promised.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Lets Educate Correctly

Sex education? Parents have mini heart attack at the sound of those two words. I mean what parent wouldn’t right? Sex isn’t something that you imagine your kids doing anytime soon!! If you aren’t ready for them to be having sex why should they even be educated on what sex is? Parents are fighting schools in Texas so that they don’t teach the students what safe sex is. They claim that the kids are too young to be learning about what any of that is and I completely get it these kids are young and shouldn’t be thinking about sex but lets be realistic here for a second okay? Lets look at in what generation we are now living in! Kids don’t have to be educated properly in school to know what sex is right? Sex is shown in movies, TV shows, video games and more. How can someone really expect his or her kids to not know anything about sex?
            In my opinion sex education should be a requirement in schools. Regardless what the parents have to say.
Sex education is something that isn’t taken serious enough in Texas. Nation wide teen pregnancies have declined but sadly in Texas and Travis County numbers remain not only the same but there times higher then the national average. What does that tells us? It tells us that we aren’t doing a good job at informing our kids on what “safe sex” is and we cant inform them about safe sex because we don’t let the schools inform our kids about sex in general! Being a teen mom has to be one of the hardest things anyone has to do. More then 70 percent of teen moms are single moms and have to drop out of high school to financially support herself and her son or daughter. Only about 38 percent of teen moms will get their high school diploma by the age of 22 as sated in the article “UT studyfinds Texas teen pregnancies lag behind U.S. improvement” Not being properly educated about sex and safe sex can cause a lot of harm in someone’s life. And who are we to take that away from someone. Being properly informed about the consequences of having unprotected sex can make someone think twice about the decision they are about to make.
Schools are teaching students to become “abstinent” what does that mean? It means it is a choice to not participate in any genital contact. And that’s all schools are teaching. How is telling someone to be abstinent going to help at all? Teens have a higher probability in getting peer pressured into doing something and how can they make they correct choice if they aren’t correctly informed? 
Sex isn’t all fun and games like its shown on TV, and movies. The movies forget to show what happens when you have unprotected sex with someone you don’t know their medical history. Having unprotected sex can cause serious health issues. It can give someone something as simple as Genital warts that can be taken care to getting HIV. A virus that there is no cure for and that sounds so scary but teens don’t know? They don’t know because they aren’t informed. If they would get more education about what sex is and what it the consequences are if you have unprotected sex things here in Texas would change dramatically. They rate in teen pregnancy would drop, teens would be informed more about the options they have instead of feeling like they are being forced to become abstinent and finally it would reduce spreading STD’s.

In conclusion, sex education will only help the youth grow and become more responsible. Learning more will only better kids, and even the parents. It would build more trust in between them and instead of having no trust; kids can finally come to their parents for help. The motive that I have for schools to educate kids about sex is because parents fail to do so and not because they are bad parents but because it awkward to talk to your kids about sex. But in the other hand schools have professional who specialize on talking about sex with teens and can educate them better.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Is college still safe?

Carrying concealed weapons in a college campus is such a big deal! I’m so happy that I’m not the only one who notices it! My wonderful and smart colleague Christopher wrote his blog about the new bill “Campus carry law” and completely nailed his argument on why it’s so dangerous to have college students carry a concealed weapon. I mean who can trust college student’s right?

He starts off his argument by bring up horrifying examples of college campus stories that just break everyone’s heart. When you hear that some innocent person has been killed doesn’t it just hurt? He uses this great technique to make people understand why it’s such a horrible idea to let students carry concealed weapons in a campus where innocent and defenseless students attend everyday.

To continue his argument he explains to the reader why any of these stories about other schools shootings are even relevant to his argument and he does an amazing job explaining how if a student in other states can sneak weapons into their campus where its ILLEGAL to have a weapon on campus and shot up the place imagine what a student how has THE RIGHT to carry a concealed weapon can do. It can cause incidental shootings and many other tragic things. Only one can imagine.

He finishes his argument by giving an accurate definition of what college should be like It should be a place where students come and find who they want to be in life. They find their friends for life. A place where you’re supposed to feel safe.

Chris does a fabulous job with his argument. He has a great introduction had me hooked from the very second I started reading his argument and leaving me wanting more!!!! I loved the fact that we both have the same thoughts about his new bill. Who would have thought that we both write about the same argument, but can I say great minds think alike.  His arguments are strong not only are they facts but they do a great job on making the reader feel empathy for the innocent. His organization is on point. Over all his argument is strong and perfect!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Is Texas Crazy?

College is one of the most important parts of your life it’s where you decide what you want to peruse for the rest of your life. But on August 1, 2015 everything changed about college. A new bill called “campus carry” was passed to where it allowed college students to carry a concealed handgun. Texas needs to realize that this bill was one of the worst bills that they could possibly pass. Texas should not allow college students to carry a concealed handgun.

Lets go back to when the UT Tower shooting occurred. It was one of the most horrifying events here in Texas. On August 1st, 1966 an ex-marine who had previously that day killed his mother and his wife climbed to the UT tower with numerous weapons including guns, rifles, a shotgun, and handguns began to shot innocent professors and students. Charles Whitman shot 43 people and thirteen of who died. You may ask why is this even relevant to the new bill passed? Well let me explain, if Charles Whitman a NON-UT student was able to sneak numerous guns past the protected college imagine what a student that now has the right to carry a weapon can do. Yes I understand that only students that have a license are eligible to carry a weapon in school but when has a rule ever stopped anyone? People at this moment have weapons and DON’T have a license to carry the weapon. So who are we to state for a fact that non-licensed students will respect the rules of this bill and not bring a weapon to campus.

A person brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25 or so. That’s what everyone seems to argue when someone who is troubled commits a massive shooting or commits a crime. So why does Texas believe that a college student who their age ranges between 18-24 can be responsible enough to carry a gun in school properties and be safe with it? College students don’t take anything serious. You can’t trust them.

College students are usually stressing about many things at once. Trying to handle their school life’s, getting great grades, trying to handle work so they can pay for school and or other expenses and to top it off they also have to handle their own personal life all at the same time. College students aren’t stable and giving concealed weapon owners the right to have their weapons with them will increase both accidental shootings and self-inflicted wounds.

Supporters state that by giving the right to licensed gun owners will make college campuses safer by preventing massive shootings. Is that really true? I don’t think so. We are basically telling students take the law into their own hands. We are asking students that if they see someone shooting to take out their guns and shot back they are not the police. They aren’t trained for that. That’s not safer that is even more dangerous. Now instead of having fewer casualties we are increasing the chances of even more innocent students getting shot. The student’s shouldn’t feel like they have to protect their campuses. It should be the other way around. School should be the ones protecting their students.

This billed passed will change college campuses. Student’s everyday will have to fear for their life. Afraid that there is someone in their class who has a gun and can start shooting whenever they want too. Texas should take back this bill because it going to bring more trouble than good.

Monday, October 19, 2015

What is War?

            When we think war we think death, pain, and suffering. Many families lose their love ones while they are off fighting for our nation and what did our president decided to do?? He decides to extend the US military mission in Afghanistan until 2017.
            Fred the blogger writes a very well put blog “Obama extends US military mission inAfghanistan into 2017.” With his thought we can conclude that he is a conservative. His credibility can’t be fully trusted. He is obviously very biased so we can’t really trust that he is always being honest or stating all the facts.
 He begins his blog by informing to the reader why they were sent to Afghanistan, and that was to kill Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein because of the attack on September 11, 2001. It makes sense that America would want to get justice for all the innocent deaths on 9/11. But Saddam Hussein has been dead since December 30, 2006 and Osama bin Laden according to reports he has been dead since May 2, 2011 so why are the troops still there? They are still there fighting and losing American troops for no worthy reason or so he states.
His next argument he brings up is the attack that was made in Afghan hospital. Where innocent patients and hospital staff were killed because analysts believed that they were using the hospital for Taliban activity.
He then concludes his blog by stating that Democrats are bringing the white house and our nation down to the ground. He believes that on if GOP takes over that we will be better off.
The authors intended audience is other conservatives and democrats he wants to make the point that Democrat’s don’t know what they are doing when it comes to running our nation. His evidence is very weak.  Let me explain, he talks about how our troops are wasting their time being in Afghanistan but he is in Afghanistan himself if he strongly believes that our troops are just wasting their time and life’s being there why is he still there? He is basically contradicting himself. His logic is very contradicting.
Finally he states “we have the most incompetent government in the history of this nation.” But doesn’t really give any other good argument to convinces us to agree with his statement.  He only gives us army stories not facts but stories how can we conclude that what is telling us is true. His arguments are weak and biased.
            I completely disagree with his argument. I believe that his argument is not an argument really but he is just letting us know how he feels about Obama running this nation and he doesn’t agree with it. But just because he doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean its wrong.

            The issue is that we in general all people are biased towards something so who is really right or wrong? Who are we to defy what is wrong and what is right. Think about that!