Monday, November 16, 2015

Is college still safe?

Carrying concealed weapons in a college campus is such a big deal! I’m so happy that I’m not the only one who notices it! My wonderful and smart colleague Christopher wrote his blog about the new bill “Campus carry law” and completely nailed his argument on why it’s so dangerous to have college students carry a concealed weapon. I mean who can trust college student’s right?

He starts off his argument by bring up horrifying examples of college campus stories that just break everyone’s heart. When you hear that some innocent person has been killed doesn’t it just hurt? He uses this great technique to make people understand why it’s such a horrible idea to let students carry concealed weapons in a campus where innocent and defenseless students attend everyday.

To continue his argument he explains to the reader why any of these stories about other schools shootings are even relevant to his argument and he does an amazing job explaining how if a student in other states can sneak weapons into their campus where its ILLEGAL to have a weapon on campus and shot up the place imagine what a student how has THE RIGHT to carry a concealed weapon can do. It can cause incidental shootings and many other tragic things. Only one can imagine.

He finishes his argument by giving an accurate definition of what college should be like It should be a place where students come and find who they want to be in life. They find their friends for life. A place where you’re supposed to feel safe.

Chris does a fabulous job with his argument. He has a great introduction had me hooked from the very second I started reading his argument and leaving me wanting more!!!! I loved the fact that we both have the same thoughts about his new bill. Who would have thought that we both write about the same argument, but can I say great minds think alike.  His arguments are strong not only are they facts but they do a great job on making the reader feel empathy for the innocent. His organization is on point. Over all his argument is strong and perfect!

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