Monday, October 19, 2015

What is War?

            When we think war we think death, pain, and suffering. Many families lose their love ones while they are off fighting for our nation and what did our president decided to do?? He decides to extend the US military mission in Afghanistan until 2017.
            Fred the blogger writes a very well put blog “Obama extends US military mission inAfghanistan into 2017.” With his thought we can conclude that he is a conservative. His credibility can’t be fully trusted. He is obviously very biased so we can’t really trust that he is always being honest or stating all the facts.
 He begins his blog by informing to the reader why they were sent to Afghanistan, and that was to kill Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein because of the attack on September 11, 2001. It makes sense that America would want to get justice for all the innocent deaths on 9/11. But Saddam Hussein has been dead since December 30, 2006 and Osama bin Laden according to reports he has been dead since May 2, 2011 so why are the troops still there? They are still there fighting and losing American troops for no worthy reason or so he states.
His next argument he brings up is the attack that was made in Afghan hospital. Where innocent patients and hospital staff were killed because analysts believed that they were using the hospital for Taliban activity.
He then concludes his blog by stating that Democrats are bringing the white house and our nation down to the ground. He believes that on if GOP takes over that we will be better off.
The authors intended audience is other conservatives and democrats he wants to make the point that Democrat’s don’t know what they are doing when it comes to running our nation. His evidence is very weak.  Let me explain, he talks about how our troops are wasting their time being in Afghanistan but he is in Afghanistan himself if he strongly believes that our troops are just wasting their time and life’s being there why is he still there? He is basically contradicting himself. His logic is very contradicting.
Finally he states “we have the most incompetent government in the history of this nation.” But doesn’t really give any other good argument to convinces us to agree with his statement.  He only gives us army stories not facts but stories how can we conclude that what is telling us is true. His arguments are weak and biased.
            I completely disagree with his argument. I believe that his argument is not an argument really but he is just letting us know how he feels about Obama running this nation and he doesn’t agree with it. But just because he doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean its wrong.

            The issue is that we in general all people are biased towards something so who is really right or wrong? Who are we to defy what is wrong and what is right. Think about that!

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