Monday, October 5, 2015


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” We all know where that came from correct. The second amendment, the amendment that has brought many arguments to our nation for years. The amendment that is now again being fought about this month thanks to the massacre in Ohio.
            The San Antonio express news posted an article Nation must act to reduce Gun Violence, where they are clearly in favor of reducing gun privileges. They begin by informing the reader that in just 274 days there have been 294 shootings just this year. That means that there has been more then one massive shooting in a day. Their argument continues by giving the reader more tragic examples of shootings. They begin to argue that shootings have become a daily thing for this country. They argue that even if some killings aren’t massive shootings they are still killing innocent people who don’t deserve to die, people who have their whole live ahead of themselves. These shooting don’t just occur in a horrible neighborhood that is known to be a violent place, but these shootings occur in your everyday place, a movie theater, a grocery store, and first grade classrooms.
In their final argument they bring up statistics, about 33,000 American die from gunshots each year. They end their argument bringing up the second amendment and stating that the amendment is not a guarantee for unfettered access to guns. They believe that background checks are necessary to help keep guns away from unstable people. They argue that there are far too many guns out there running free. They need to put a stop to all this gun violence and make America a safer place for its people.
            The author used very good arguments, the only thing is that he didn’t use many statistics something that would show the intended reader real prove that gun violence was out of control. He went more towards the empathy. He reminds his readers the many tragic killings and the innocent people dying. He states that those innocent people don’t deserve to die that they have their whole lives ahead of them. He wants to gain his readers empathy. His intended audience is more towards voters, people who can stand up and fight to stop guns, to make them illegal to control the killings. The authors logic is very understanding he wants people to understand that killing innocent people who don’t deserve to die is horrible and the reason these innocent people are dying is because of guns, but his logic isn’t a hundred percent accurate. He places his feelings where his arguments should be.

            I don’t agree with the author. I don’t believe that his argument is strong because he states that a background check will reduce gun violence and it might in a way because people who buy guns from a legal shop the background check can very much stop them from buying the gun but there’s other ways of getting what you need and want. Just like drugs are illegal in the United States it doesn’t mean that people don’t find a way to get their hands on them. If the author believes that the government is strong enough to get rid of guns and make them illegal he is very delusional.

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