Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Aburrido Tejano Speaks the Truth

Wow just wow! Chris does it again, he writes yet another amazing argument that not only needs to be read in our Government class but needs be heard all around Texas! Chris does a great job at bringing up another great topic up to the table of discussion. He writes about how Texas wants to eliminate Medicaid enrollment for Planned Parenthood and other abortions providers.

He starts of his argument bringing up the fact that we live in a country where we are promised Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness but not only is it a promise but it’s a law! With this great introduction the reader is hooked instantly.

Chris begins his argument with the case that made Governor Abott want to cut Planned Parenthood from Medicaid, a case that has no strong evidence to prove that Planned Parenthood is doing anything wrong or causing any harm to anyone whatsoever.

Eliminating Planned Parenthood will yes save millions of dollars in federal funs, but who is that really going to be benefit? Not the people. The reason that Medicaid is there its because it’s a resource for people who aren’t financially stable to get the help that they need. Does the government thing that Planned Parenthood is only helping getting abortions?? UMMM NO! As Chris states in his argument, “Eliminating Planned Parenthood from Medicaid will save millions of dollars in federal funds. But as a result, at the very least more than 14,000 low-income women will be excluded from their trusted source of preventative reproduction health care that provides women with birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing, and so much more.” Who are we to take away that from women? Women have the right to do whatever they please to their own body. They can’t be stopped.

Yet again I completely agree with every single word that Chris writes in his argument. The government cannot take the only resource that women have to get helped. We are denying them the help that they deserve and were promised.

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